Results For Category: "Nutrition"

Inching the Needle

by Aimee Wojtowecz Often in nutrition there seems to be this all or nothing approach. People get easily overwhelmed thinking that to make any progress…

Nutrition and Your Mental Health

by Aimee Wojtowecz Binge eating, emotional eating, anxiety, depression, these are all branches of the same tree, our mental health. Now when you think about…

3 Things to Consider When Looking for a CrossFit Gym

by Michael Plank You’ve obviously heard of CrossFit. Maybe you’ve seen fit people lifting big weights on Instagram. Maybe one of your co-workers goes to…

How to Bust Through Plateaus

by Jess Pino-Goodspeed Let’s face it. In the world of nutrition & fitness, the word “plateau” has a bad rap. In essence, it suggests a…

The Power of (Small) Habits

by Michael Plank Especially if you’ve worked with Coach Jess on nutrition, you know how much we’re into a habits-based approach to change. What does…

Why Does It Take SO Long…

by Jess Pino-Goodspeed A client came to me recently and said how badly she wanted to achieve her body composition goals and how frustrated she…