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Why Does It Take SO Long…

by Jess Pino-Goodspeed

A client came to me recently and said how badly she wanted to achieve her body composition goals and how frustrated she was that it was taking so long. “Why does it take so long to see the changes?” I had the opportunity to have an open and honest conversation about the importance of taking a long-term approach to our health and wellness goals and why the quick fix isn’t the way to go.


I will warn you that taking a long-term approach and truly taking the time to learn habits and make them part of a daily routine is not sexy and it is not quick. This stuff takes effort and time, and it is not a quick fix. 


Taking a long-term approach to improving our nutrition means we have intent, objectives, goals, and a mission to accomplish not only short-term goals but also long-term goals. The big picture mission is simple, we want to be happy, healthy, and strong – both mentally and physically. Being consistent with healthy habits like drinking water, exercising, sleeping, meal prepping, and eating real foods is key to accomplishing your long-term goals. When we take the time to learn these healthy habits, that is when we sustain healthy behaviors and we achieve the results we are so desperately seeking.  


Intent without action accomplishes nothing.


Many of us want to get to ideal body composition, losing weight and body fat. Setting those goals is the easy part. Being accountable for those goals and doing the smaller, often deemed “not so sexy” action items that lead to goal achievement is where the real work happens (that’s where working with a nutrition coach in customized nutrition programs and ongoing coaching is important.)


First, let’s start with mapping out a long-term approach. Follow these 3 steps:


Step 1: Begin with the end in mind: What do you want to achieve? What will it take to get there?


Step 2: Start small. The little wins will snowball into larger wins down the hill. Consistency wins.


Step 3: Establish SMART Goals.


What’s a SMART goal? Glad you asked!


S – Specific; Should be simple and defined what you are going to do.

M – Measure; Tangible evidence so you can achieve the goal.

A – Attainable; They should push you just outside your comfort zone.

R – Results-Focused; Goals should measure outcomes, not activities.

T – Time-Bound; Goals should be linked to a time frame that creates a sense of urgency.


Here’s an example of what it looks like to map out nutrition goals over the course of a year:


I will lose 30 pounds and 8% body fat this year.


I will work with my nutrition coach for at least a year to stay accountable and have a customized nutrition coaching program.


I will eat a balanced breakfast using the plate method at least 4/7 days this week.


I will meal prep dinners with 3 compartment containers with balanced portions of lean proteins, green vegetables, healthy fats, and healthy carbohydrates for the next month to deal with busy times of the day.


I will eat balanced plates with lean proteins, green vegetables, healthy fats, and healthy carbohydrates, and have a glass of water instead of regular soda with that meal for at least 2 meals per day in the next 3 months.


In the next 6 months, I will log my meals daily to learn about my macronutrient balance, and work with my nutrition coach to stay accountable to losing 15 pounds in my customized nutrition coaching program.


This year, I will enlist the support of a coworker, family member, or friend at the gym as another accountability partner to make sure that we are eating healthy balanced meals 90% of the time, and getting to the gym at least 3-4 times per week.


It’s your turn! What does it look like for YOU to take a long-term approach when it comes to YOUR nutrition? 


Map it out, and book a free nutrition consultation to sit down with me – UPCF’s nutrition coach – to get a plan in place for accomplishing your long term goals! If it sounds like it’s going to take a long time, remember that a nutrition coach will be there with you every step of the way.