Results For Category: "Self-Care"

Start Small

by Michael Plank We do a lot with helping people establish new habits: new nutrition habits, new workout habits, new sleep or stress management habits……

Unlocking Nutrition: Expert Insights to Answer Your Most Pressing Questions

As a nutrition coach, I often receive questions from clients about various aspects of nutrition and healthy eating. Today, I’ll address some of the most common questions I encounter and provide you with expert answers to help you on your journey to optimal health and wellness.

Reasons NOT to go to the gym

by Michael Plank There are great reasons to skip the gym. Here are a few: Going to the gym is important. Regular exercise is extremely…

Beyond Diets: The Power of You – Unleashing Wellness through Personalized Nutrition

So stop doing what everyone else is doing or what your favorite influencer recommended last month, your body is unique, and so should be your approach to nutrition.

Optimize Your Workouts: Ultimate Guide to Pre and Post-Training Nutrition for Peak Performance

Fueling your workouts isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach—it’s a personalized strategy that aligns with your fitness goals and training routine. By prioritizing proper nutrition before and after your workouts, you set the stage for improved performance, faster recovery, and overall fitness success.

Weekend Wellness: Balancing Enjoyment and Fitness Success

A healthy lifestyle includes room for enjoyment without derailing your progress. You can have fun while working hard towards your goals.

Winter Foods to Boost Your Immunity

If it seems as though the last few weeks everyone around you has been sick with one thing or another, well you’re probably not wrong. But there are a few things you can do to help prepare your body for the onslaught of germs this season.

Fueling Success: The Vital Role of Nutrition in Reaching Your Fitness Goals

By understanding and prioritizing the role of nutrition, you empower yourself to conquer milestones, surpass limits, and unlock your full potential.

Do you have goals? Or are you committed to reaching your goals? These are not the same.

Sometimes, in the pursuit of goals, we forget to enjoy the journey. Commitment encourages you to embrace the process, celebrating small wins along the way. It’s a reminder that fitness can be enjoyable and fulfilling, not just a means to an end.

Half a Decade of Strength and Support: My Journey at Underwood Park CrossFit

Within these four walls, I’ve had the privilege of meeting and coaching hundreds of amazing individuals. So, this is my heartfelt ode to UPCF and CrossFit and the amazing women (and men) of our gym, a testament to the impact it’s had on my life and the lives of so many others.