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3 Ways to Stop Skipping Workouts

The WOD starts in 70 minutes and there you are… The ZP app is open, you check the workout. Looks rough.

And then your thumb moves back to “Calendar” and heads on up to “Reservations” and you click on the class and see that bright red bar on the bottom of the screen… “CANCEL RESERVATION.”

And there your thumb hovers. 68 minutes now. 64 minutes. 61 minutes. If you’re going to cancel, now’s the time. You click it and put your phone down and go back to what you were doing.

How do you feel as you crawl into bed that night? Proud? Accomplished? Satisfied that you did your best today? Or… something else?

I totally get it, by the way. I’ve been training consistently for the last decade and with CrossFit for the last 7 years. I thought one day I would no longer struggle with wanting to work out and I’d just have an eternal fountain of motivation.


But it doesn’t have to derail you. And the fact that you canceled yesterday (or have already canceled today) doesn’t mean you can’t right the ship.

Here are 3 questions to ask yourself before you cancel that next class. Ask yourself them each time you see that big red “Cancel” bar.

1. Am I worth it?

Name one thing more important than your health (there are only a few right answers here). Being healthy makes you stronger (so you can help others), happier (endorphins, look it up), more useful to other people, less stressed, lowers your health care costs, makes you more productive, more patient, more resilient when life gets hard both physically and mentally, and makes you sleep better and live longer, to name just a few benefits. There is almost literally nothing in your life that is not better when you’re exercising. One hour is a pretty small investment in making literally your entire life better. Are you worth that investment? (Spoiler: YES).

2. Who am I letting down?

Rough question, right? I’m ok with that. People believe in you, you know. Coaches and athletes, EVERYONE at the gym does. We’re all excited to see you on the roster and glad to see you when you walk in, no matter how long it’s been since your last workout. You have family and friends who are proud of you and the work you’ve done. You may not even know it, but people see you and are inspired by you because they know that if you can do it, they can do it. Don’t live your life to impress others, but if you have a hard time taking care of yourself for YOU, then do it for THEM. Do it because your Dad is proud, because your daughter looks up to you, because your friend finally quit smoking because of you.

3. Am I motivated?

That’s what we call a trick question. Because the answer doesn’t matter. The most important thing I’ve learned about success in fitness or any other area of life is that if you rely on motivation, you will fail. Motivation comes and goes with things like whether or not you had caffeine, whether or not you’re hungry, how much you slept last night, if you’re sad, if your blood sugar is low. It is fickle and unreliable and if you wait for motivation you will not get to where you want to be.

What you need is DISCIPLINE. Discipline is what allows you to go work out even when you’re not motivated. And the good news is that every time you use your discipline it gets stronger. Just like your legs or arms or any other muscle.

Next time your thumb is on that button ask yourself those questions… Am I worth it? (YES) Who am I letting down? (Mom, Dad, Susan, Jimmy?) Am I motivated? (I DON’T NEED MOTIVATION)

Then cancel if you want to. But you don’t have to. And I hope you don’t.