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Member Spotlight: Robin W!

by Aimee Wojtowecz

Meet Robin! Robin has been an Underwood Park CrossFit Nutrition client since April 2021 and a gym member of UPCF since 2017. She is an accountant and in all of her free time she trains for her mountain biking adventures! Robin loves to cheer on others at the gym, but she realized several months ago that she needed to get her own nutrition in line with her goals to keep seeing the results she wanted.

She was eager to learn a way to maintain her weight, properly fuel for training, and find a healthy balance in her lifestyle. Robin has made amazing progress by focusing on one small habit change at a time, and has noticed a significant improvement in her mindset, performance, and recovery! Oh and she inspired her husband to join this journey with her as well!

Her Journey With Nutrition Coaching

Since starting nutrition coaching with Underwood Park CrossFit, Robin has been able to lose weight and use the tools provided by her nutrition coach to stay “on track” without feeling restricted or like she is on a diet. Through nutrition coaching Robin has learned that wellness is truly a lifestyle! Time for Q&A with Robin!

What prompted you to sign up for nutrition coaching?

My clothes were getting tight and uncomfortable and we were going on a bike trip at the end of the summer. I wanted to drop a little weight to be able to move better on the bike.

How has nutrition coaching helped you?

More than anything, nutrition coaching has kept me accountable. Just knowing that someone is paying attention and is going to ask me how things are going every week makes me want to keep at it so I can report good news. Also nutrition coaching has provided tips to stay on track and ways to make better nutrition decisions and incorporate healthier habits into my normal routine.

What have been your results so far?

My clothes fit better which is great because clothes shopping is one of the things I hate most in life. Also, I have felt so much stronger mountain biking and in the gym. I’ve improved quite a bit with pullups and pushups since focusing more on nutrition.

What would you say to someone considering nutrition coaching at Underwood Park CrossFit?

Trust the process. Going off plan for a couple days… or weeks.. doesn’t mean you aren’t still making progress.