by Michael Plank
We have lots of opportunities in the gym to go outside our comfort zone: to lift a heavier weight, to try a new movement, to show up for a workout even though it’s filled with burpees! For a lot of us, just walking through the doors that first time is out of our comfort zone. For some of us, it’s coming when there’s going to be a run. For some of us, it’s hitting that “Reserve Class” button when all we want to do is see what happens next on “Stranger Things.”
When we’re out of our comfort zone, what we really are facing is fear. We’re scared of physical discomfort, scared of failure, scared of that lung-burning, scared of the muscle soreness, scared of the unknown. Sometimes that fear wins. And sometimes we win. And here’s why that’s important…
Winning is a skill. It’s something you practice, and it’s something at which you can improve. Which means the more you do it, the better you get at it.
That’s not such a big deal when it comes to doing burpees, but it is a big deal when it comes to having difficult conversations, applying for a new job, or chasing after your dreams. The better you get at overcoming your small fears, the more resilient you’ll be when you have to face the big ones.
So go reserve that class, take that cold shower, run that 5k, do that thing that scares you… and then see what you can do next.