by Aimee Wojtowecz
Imposter Syndrome: doubting your abilities and feeling like a fraud. It disproportionately affects high-achieving people who find it difficult to accept their accomplishments. Many question whether they’re deserving of the credit they get.
Do you ever feel like an imposter in your own life? Or maybe here at the gym when someone calls you an athlete? (If you work out here and train here, you ARE an athlete.)
The most confident and happy people we know are the ones who have high self-worth. They know who they are and what is important to them. But how did they get that way? Is it magic? Are some people just born with a better sense of value? Or do they make a practice of acting a certain way, which helps to keep them feeling positive about who they are? When you talk to people with high self-worth, you find that they have a lot of things in common. Those who feel good about themselves tend to think a certain way and in turn take care of themselves a certain way. Let’s look at a few of the ideas which keep people feeling worthy even when life might be difficult.
They Understand Where Mistakes Fit
Everyone messes up now and again. The person with a high sense of self-worth recognizes this. They take responsibility for the action and understand that just because something went wrong, it doesn’t change who they are as a person. They still value themselves even when they make a mistake. Did you overeat at that last party? Forgive yourself and move on at the next meal.
They Don’t Get Caught up in the Trappings of Life
Who you are has a whole lot less to do with what you have than you might think. It doesn’t matter how much money is in your bank account, whether you are wearing the right clothes or if you have the “right” education. Your value has a lot more to do with who you are inside than who you are outside. You are still worthy even if you’re not keeping up with the Joneses.
They Don’t Chase Happiness
Who you are has very little to do with whatever emotion you happen to be feeling in the moment. If you are not happy, it does not mean that you are not worthy, period. You’re going to feel what you’re going to feel and all those feelings are valid. Individuals with a high sense of self-worth realize this and accept their emotions for what they are: a reflection of their emotional state and not of personal value.
They Take Responsibility for How They Feel
When you have strong feelings of self-worth, you do not need other people to define you. They say no one can make you feel anything without your permission. This is more true than you might realize. It’s up to you to decide who you are. No one else has this right.
Of course, there are other things people with a high sense of self-worth do. They practice empathy, especially with themselves. They love their job and set goals that make sense to them. The common theme? They do things that honor them. They don’t make compromises or get caught up in doing what they think they ‘should’ do but instead focus on what’s right for them.
You can do this, too, by merely paying attention to your choices and holding fast to who you are. Remember you too deserve to take up space in all areas of your life no matter what stage of the journey you’re on.