What Kind of Blue Jeans Make Me Fastest?

by Michael Plank

If I were looking for the fastest pair of jeans out there, I’d have so many questions:

Will I run a faster mile in boot cut jeans? Straight leg? Relaxed fit? Regular fit? Athletic cut?

Is 100% cotton better? Or should I use a blend? 2% spandex? 3% spandex?

Heavier jeans for warmth and keeping muscles warm? Or thinner material for speed and comfort?

There IS a pair of jeans out there in which I can run faster than any other pair of jeans. That’s a real thing. But if you think that finding that pair of jeans is perhaps not the biggest fish to fry, well… yeah. I couldn’t agree more.

But here’s what happens in the world of social media influencers and massive, constant, curated, nearly limitless streams of information: we get so caught up in the minutiae. People ask me about nutrient timing and if a 16/8 split on Intermittent Fasting is better, or if a 20/4 split is better. I get asked about whether Coenzyme Q10 is a good supplement to take; if animal-based Omega 3s are better than plant-based Omega 3s; if Zone 3 and Zone 4 cardio is really “junk cardio”; if they need to add more running to lose more body fat; if it’s better to start breakfast with protein or carbohydrates; if sets of 8 or sets of 10 are better for hypertrophy; how much caffeine is ideal before a workout; when to stop eating carbs for the day… I could go on.

And you’ve probably figured out what my point is here…

There’s a real answer to all those questions, just like there’s a real answer to the question about which blue jeans make me run the fastest. But those questions are totally irrelevant for probably 95% of people I work with.

For nearly any physical goal you have – body composition, strength, endurance, skill – here’s the formula:

  1. Move your body as much as possible. Make that movement strenuous 3-4 times per week.
  2. Eat real food. Not too much. Get lots of vegetables, protein, and fiber.
  3. Get quality sleep: 7-9 hours per night for most people, definitely not less than 6.
  4. Keep systemic stress down and good relationships up.
  5. Be consistent over months and years.

Those are the fundamentals. And the fundamentals are boring, and I get why it’s fun to look at new things to spice it up a little. But if you’re doing 1, 2, 4, and 5, but sleeping 4 hours per night, the creatine you start taking won’t be nearly as helpful as getting another 2+ hours of sleep per night (ask me how I know). If you’re doing #1-4, but you’ve been doing it for 3 weeks, you don’t need new shoes, you need more time for it to take.

My advice always is this: get #1-5 nailed for a year. Then, when all of that is easy and automatic, let’s talk about supplements and nutrient timing and eccentric loading protocols.

The bad news is that the #1-5 fundamental approach can get boring.

The good news is that the fundamentals are simple. You can save money and brain space and time and energy. And there is nothing more effective.