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Bare Minimum Mondays – 11/25/24

Stand for 5 minutes every hour. A study in Preventive Medicine shows that standing periodically throughout the day helps reduce fatigue and may improve focus and metabolic health.

Add Protein-Rich Food to Breakfast. Eating high-protein foods first thing not only helps you get a jump on your protein goals for the day, but can help control hunger and stabilize energy levels throughout the day.

Sleep with your phone outside your bedroom. Imagine putting a kid in a bedroom by herself that has a TV, every movie and show she could ever want to watch, every book she could ever think of reading, every game, every song, and a robot that would answer every question she asked. Then telling her, “close your eyes and go to sleep” and leaving the room. How well do you think she’s going to be able to resist temptation? Yeah. Get your phone out of your bedroom. Or at least out of reach of your bed.

The biggest objection to this is “But my phone is my alarm clock!” You can get a boring old regular alarm clock for $10. (Literally hundreds of options HERE).

Practice 2 Minutes of Deep Breathing After Waking Up. A study in BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine found that deep breathing in the morning helps reduce stress and improve alertness.