by Michael Plank
Take the stairs instead of the elevator any time you have the opportunity this week. Hotel? Stairs. Doctor visit? Stairs. Office visit? Stairs. More movement during the day is better than less movement.
Replace one sugary drink with water, seltzer, or unsweetened tea. This is such an easy way to cut calories and improve health. Soda, many sports drinks, many smoothies, and many coffee drinks are loaded with sugar. Swapping out a single one of those drinks each day with an alternative won’t radically change your life, but may cut up to 250 calories from your daily intake.
Limit caffeine intake after 2 p.m. Piles of anecdotal evidence, plus a study in Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine found that late caffeine consumption disrupts sleep duration and quality. Read more HERE.
Spend 10 minutes journaling about your thoughts or worries. Research in Journal of Experimental Psychology indicates that expressive writing reduces stress and clarifies thoughts. Read more HERE.